Machine Learning Mcq

Machine Learning MCQ: Test Your Knowledge!



Which machine learning technique helps in detecting outliers in data?
Linear regression
Naive Bayes
Anomaly detection
Decision trees
What is a decision tree used for in machine learning?
Classifying or predicting based on feature splits
Grouping similar data points
Reducing the dimensionality of data
Preprocessing data for analysis
What is the main advantage of using multiple agents in LangChain?
To increase processing speed
To handle complex tasks requiring different expertise
To reduce model size
To encrypt communication between models
What is the purpose of the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) in machine learning?
To perform clustering
To measure the distance between probability distributions
To reduce dimensionality
To generate synthetic data
What is ConversationBufferMemory in LangChain used for?
To increase RAM in computers
To store and manage conversation history
To buffer network connections
To memorize entire conversations permanently
What does the term "recall" mean in the context of classification?
The proportion of true positives identified by the model
The proportion of true negatives identified by the model
The speed of the model's predictions
The difference between predicted and actual values
What is the main difference between a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and a standard Autoencoder?
VAEs are supervised
VAEs learn a probabilistic mapping
Standard Autoencoders are only for images
There is no difference
What is the primary use of clustering in machine learning?
To predict future data points
To group similar data points
To reduce data size
To rank data by importance
What is a perceptron in machine learning?
A basic unit of a neural network
A type of clustering algorithm
A data visualization tool
A method for dimensionality reduction
What is the purpose of the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) in machine learning?
To perform classification
To model probability distributions
To reduce dimensionality
To generate synthetic data
What is an example of machine learning applications?
Fraud detection in finance
Manually entering data into spreadsheets
Sending automated emails
Hardcoding website designs
What is a typical output of a clustering algorithm?
Groups of similar data points
Predictions of future events
Reduced data noise
A visualization of the dataset
How does machine learning differ from rule-based systems?
ML learns from data, rule-based systems use explicit rules
Rule-based systems learn from data, ML uses explicit rules
Both are the same
ML does not use data at all
What is an example of an ensemble method?
Random Forest
K-means clustering
Linear regression
Neural networks
What is a primary goal of Natural Language Processing in AI?
To replace human languages
To enable machines to understand and generate human language
To create new languages
To encrypt communication
What is the main function of a retriever in LangChain?
To retrieve deleted code
To fetch relevant information for LLM queries
To recover crashed applications
To retrain the model in real-time
What is the primary purpose of embeddings in NLP?
To compress text data
To represent words or phrases as vectors
To encrypt language models
To speed up text processing
What is the purpose of using validation data in machine learning?
To tune model parameters and prevent overfitting
To train the model
To reduce the dataset size
To generate new data points
What is the purpose of the t-test in machine learning?
To perform clustering
To compare means of two groups
To reduce dimensionality
To generate synthetic data
What does the term "precision" refer to in machine learning?
The proportion of true positive predictions out of all positive predictions
The proportion of true negative predictions
The speed of the model's predictions
The difference between predicted and actual values
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